The 42 open-loop stepper CANOPEN series is divided into two types, ZLIM42C-05, ZLIM42C-07
ZLTECH Nema17 0.5-0.7N.M 18V-28VDC CANopen Integrated Step-Servo Motor
The performance of the 42 open-loop CANIPEN stepper series is as follows:
Shaft: Single shaft
Size: Nema 17
step angle: 1.8°
Ebcoder: 2500-wire Magnetic
Input voltage(VDC): 20-48
Output current peak(A):1.5
shaft diameter(mm): 5/8
shaft length(mm): 24
Holding Torque(N.m): 0.5/0.7
Speed(RPM): 2000
Weight(g): 430g
Motor Length(mm);70/82
Motor total Length(mm): 94/106